Friday, April 01, 2005

the cool kids

My pups each have their own webpage on this thing called Dogster. I know, I know, I am obsessed, but I blame this on my time living in Manhattan, where spending half your salary on your dog is accepted and expected. My dogs have attended doggy day care, which they did not like, and gone with us to the movies and out to dinner. Many times. Just call us crazy dog owners, everyone else does.

Dogster has this button on each dog's page where you can ask the dog to be your "Pup Pal" and then they send an email to said dog, or said dog's owner, and ask them if they would like to be "Pup Pals" with your dog. This means that I get approximately 6 requests PER WEEK for Tango and Murray to be Pup Pals with some random dog.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the requests, and I am sure Tango and Murray do too. They love new friends. But as their list of Pup Pals is growing, I have realized that my dogs are more popular than I am. They have people asking them to be their friends all the time and I am starting to wonder why people don't email me 6 times a week to ask me to be their friend? I bathe more often than Tango and Murray do, I don't lick my crotch, and I don't eat dirt. I feel these are all desirable traits in a friend. They do wear more expensive clothes than I do and they travel in a Kate Spade bag, but still.

Dogster is a little bit like Oprah too, I have discovered. We found Tango's long lost brother on Dogster. His brother from his litter from his breeder who also lives in a suburb of Boston. One of these days we'll have a reunion and maybe I'll videotape it and post it. I'm sure you can't wait. See? Just like Oprah.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Your pups are so freaking cute! I had no idea what a "griffy" even looked wonder they're getting pals.