Tuesday, November 14, 2006

no babies today, but soon!

When we were in triage this weekend, a couple was on the other side of the curtain getting checked out as well. At a certain point, the attending came by and told them that they were definitely in labor, at 3 cm dilated. The excitement was palpable. The husband was almost breathless as he asked again, "We're having our baby?" Josh and I kept smiling at each other as we listened to them exclaim to each other that they were really having their baby!

In the end, they decided to leave for dinner at the Cheesecake Factor before checking into the hospital since her contractions were still quite manageable. We were chuckling at the image of them standing in the lobby for the often interminable waits at the Cheesecake Factory. The doctor suggested to them that they should bring their monitor strip showing her contractions, so that the hostesses would understand that they were short on time.

After they left, Josh and I remained silent for a while thinking about them. I couldn't help but feel happy for them as they left to enjoy their last meal as a family of 2. Although I was hoping in that moment not to have my baby, I also realized how very much I am looking forward to the moment when I am in that same position. I never knew that you could love someone you've never met this much. I never knew that a 20 minute drive where you worry that he or she isn't okay could feel like your heart is tearing in half.

So I guess I really am having a baby. Someone is really going to live here. That is almost unbelievable.


Liz Miller said...

Now I'm all verklempt.

My last meal as a pregnant lady was breakfast at the Silver Diner. After my water broke (but not like a whole ocean, that came later at the hospital) and before I called the doctor.

Big hugs and lots of "stay baby, stay!" thoughts!

Anonymous said...

That nursery is so beautiful it made me well up with tears thinking of you sitting in that chair holding your baby.

It's amazing how much you can love someone you haven't even met yet, isn't it?

jo(e) said...

You know, that is the part that surprised me every time. I mean, even though I knew I was having a baby, and even sort of got to know that baby during those last few weeks, when the day finally came and I'd push the baby out ... well, it was still always this absolutely amazing miraculous thing. A baby! A whole person!

Just reading your post brought back those wonderful memories ....

Unknown said...

I remember that feeling, too. Such anticipation and excitement!
Stay put, baby, until you're as ready as your mom and dad are!

Anonymous said...

Yea for babies! I don't have kids, so I can only imagine how you're feeling, but I look forward to it.

Girl said...

Oh boy...see now I am crying...and it is only 8:19 in the morning. This is not good.

Girl said...

The crying that is...the crying isn't good...everything else is great, amazing, wonderful, fill-in-creative-happy-words-here...

ccw said...

jo(e) is right - the fact that there will be a new person living in your house got me every time. It's amazing how long the idea of the baby can stay an abstract concept.

Enjoy your remaining weeks with Josh and the doggies.

Sarcomical said...

aw...that's so sweet. you're SO on the verge of a great new adventure.

get lots of sleep while you can. ;)

K said...

Oh honey! I'm so glad everything's okay, and I loved your story about the Cheesecake Factory couple. :)

susan said...

Oh, you are such sweeties. I'm glad the baby and you are OK--and sorry about such a bad experience in the hospital! I don't know why doctors are such poor communicators at times. But the important thing is, you're all OK. Hurrah!