Saturday, November 04, 2006

cheating a little

I owe everyone a post for today under the rules of NaBloPoMo, but I'm way too stinking exhausted. My mom is in town for the weekend and the time has completely run away from me, and I didn't do any of the things I wanted to do. It has been a nutso day, and running around with this big belly and extra weight hasn't been easy. I'm grateful that although I work long hours, at least I get to sit down!

Someone needs to explain to me how I can possibly have 7 more weeks of growing for this belly! I feel huge and I'm not sure I can possibly get bigger! Maybe I'll just stay at this size. It's possible, right?


Anonymous said...

I hear you! Just getting up and down the stairs in my house is a major workout anymore. I don't know how I manage to complete tasks like go to the grocery store or even pick up the dry cleaning.

Just think though, how light we'll feel after we give birth! It'll be like a huge weight literally has been lifted from us. I hope so anyway....

Anonymous said...

It's amazing....they just keep growing in there!!

jo(e) said...

Yeah, it's sort of a crazy, surreal feeling when you start having this whole full size baby in there. It doesn't seem possible, but it is.

The baby will (hopefully) shift positions a bit soon, with head down being the most comfy for you -- and most logical for delivery.

The cool part is how you will be able to feel the different body parts -- the heels, the fists, the head. And you can kind of get to know the personality of the baby too.

These next weeks will go by fast. Savor them.

Jessica said... might have been a long time ago for me but I remember feeling that way! You are getting to that stage where the activity slows down because the baby doesn't have quite as much room. You are nearing the end of this amazing experience and right on the heels of starting another!

OneTiredEma said...

That has always been my overwhelming feeling in the 3rd trimester. "How could I possibly get any bigger?" But it happens. And just when you are down to your last outfit and your last nerve, hopefully that signals the beginning of the rest of your life!

Liz Miller said...

Has the baby done that thing yet where he/she sticks out his/her arm or leg and you can practically count the fingers or toes as the whole limb moves from one side of your belly to the other?