Friday, February 25, 2005

a new obsession

I signed up for a blog last year, back when people starting saying they had received gmail accounts because they had blogs. And by G-d, I desperately wanted a gmail account. I'm not sure why, but I was convinced that gmail would be the next wave of the future. I love google. We used to google everyone in our law school class and then whisper amongst ourselves in the library about what we found. That is a part of a story I have to tell a little later.

Anyway, I signed up for the blog and then couldn't think of anything to say. I love writing, much like most people with blogs, but I used my funny thoughts or stories in emails to my friends and it didn't occur to me to post them. So I did nothing with it, and I got gmail from another friend's brother, so the usefulness escaped me. But then my friend CRWatch and I decided that we would start blogs together. Hers has useful worthwhile issues, mine has silly thoughts.

But now I am back... and folks, I have discovered the power of the Internet. I have lost hours jumping from page to page to page of people's blogs and those they are connected to and those that other person is connected to. HOURS. I used to shun the Internet, I couldn't understand how people could waste so much time on it. Now I know. I am blog obsessed. For the last two nights I haven't been able to sleep because blog conversations or snippets keep running through my heads. It is like a sitcom almost, except real, and their stories are all the happier or heart-breaking because they are real.

One of my friends says this is the first sign of an obsession, she thinks, so maybe I should wean myself. Perhaps, but I love it!