A year ago, I looked like this:
At midnight on December 14th, my water broke as I was climbing into bed, 7 hours of labor later and 3 minutes of pushing (literally) and my sweet baby girl was here.

She didn't make me a mother, but she has made me a better mother. Josie has taught me patience, she has shown me how much more love you have in your heart, she has graced our lives with laughter.
A short year later and she talks and laughs and runs around the house and rules the place. Her brother doesn't know what hit him and it is only the beginning.
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life watching her grow.
Happy Birthday to Josie!

Happy Birthday little lady! Congrats on making it through the past year...and it's been a big one between the collic/reflux thing, and moving and dogs you deserve a medal! Well done Mumma x
GEEZ you guys have good genes.
Thanks for the post
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