Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I think cookies will help

On Friday, I lay on the couch for 2 hours with 5 pillows under my pelvis and my head slanted downward. When I stood back up, I endured an hour of heartburn, acid reflux, and nausea. I told myself, though, that if the baby turned, it was worth it. On Saturday, I sat on the floor on all fours with my butt in the air and my head resting on a pillow, cursing my sore back, but I thought, if the baby turns, it'll be worth it. On Sunday, I woke up and thought, I think the baby might have turned. So I did nothing, except jump up and down and squat and try to get that head to jam itself into the appropriate places.

And yesterday, I went to the doctor, and VOILA, the baby is turned! Head down, and according to her, pretty engaged in the birth canal. We both agree, however, that the baby appears to have lots of space in my uterus right now and could easily turn back, so her medical advice was, "Don't do anything strange that might make the baby turn back." Uh-huh. I'll make sure to follow that advice. But what exactly qualifies as strange? Does poking the baby constantly to make sure it is still head down qualify as annoying to the baby?

Thanks for your well-wishes! Keep sending "stay head down" thoughts our way!


ccw said...

Wonderful news!!

Stay down, stay down, stay down...

Rev Dr Mom said...
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Montreal Mama said...

Wishing you Head Down thoughts!

Oy, I miss being pregnant! (LOL)

I can't wait to hear about baby number 2!

OneTiredEma said...


Advice from my doula to me: Don't sit on a couch. Seriously. Never sit with your hips behind your pelvis (as you are wont to do on a couch or something squishy). If you have a birth ball, sit on that.

I had to do this for weeks and it got tiresome, but you're much closer to the end!

Anonymous said...

Yay! And how industrious of you. Sending baby head-down vibes. xxoo

Karen said...

Head down Head down Head down!!!!

Glad to hear our vibes are working. Hope the little one cooperates!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo, wahoo! That's awesome! I heard the advice about the birth ball and couch, too; I'm actually sitting on my ball now trying to convince this one that my pelvis is the place to be. :)