Thursday, November 20, 2008

I know nobody wants to talk about poop, but...

Today marks the first day of the last month before my due date. You see, yesterday was November 19th, and that means that from here on out, when someone asks me when I'm due, I can simply say "the 19th" and there are no other 19ths between now and then. My countdown clock says 28 days to go, and I assume that is because it doesn't count today or the actual 19th. This is a little mind-blowing, to tell you the truth, and a tiny bit distressing because yesterday Josh turned to me on the couch and said, "Wow, we're getting close, aren't we? What- we have maybe 7 weeks to go or something?" Yes dear, or something. Talk about denial on his part!

I'm feeling good this week, and I attribute that to the head down position of the baby, which has caused fewer contractions than normal, and also to the fact that we made some serious headway on Gabe's 'big boy' room over the weekend. We still have a ways to go, though. Gabe's clothes and books and general stuff are still in the nursery, and none of the baby's clothing has been unpacked from the attic, but at least there is a painted bedroom with actual furniture and an actual bed and bedding in the new room for Gabe. He isn't even remotely close to sleeping in there, but I'm relieved that it is done. I'm hoping this weekend will bring more change and advancement on the decorating aspect of the room, and then I promise some cute pictures. Or at least, I think they're cute!

My major complaint these days, and if you could see me I'm grimacing over here to even bring this up, is majorly serious constipation. Like terrible, very bad, no good constipation. This has been a feature of this pregnancy since, oh, day 3. I'm trying everything these days. Loads of water, fruits and vegetables, coffee, straight fiber supplements, bran cereal, yogurt, and I still need major help. My OB is threatening medication, but I'd like to avoid it if I can. So here is where you come in- everyone has advice on this topic, right? Please please please share yours! I can definitely use all the help I can get! Put the shame aside! Share galore!


My Wombinations said...

prunes, metamucil and exercise/tons of water works for me....

Good to see you yesterday!

Liz Miller said...

MM has been taking 2 tsps of Miralax in 1/2 cup of water daily for that and it has really really really helped.

ccw said...

When I thought I was going to die from constipation I sent Mr. MFBA to the pharmacy to find out what I could take/do. The response nearly killed me, "Shoot water up there".

When he asked how this could be accomplished the pharmacist told him "any way you can".

Needless to say this didn't work. I did try but is it possible to get comfortable enough to go in the shower? I think not.

Chatty Cricket said...

Oh I had to break down and take Senokot this time because it was seriously SO BAD. I don't think it's technically medication, is it? Anyway, my midwife recommended it and hoooo baby but did it ever work (not in a bad way, it just worked.)

Mom to Baby J said...

Well if it was closer to your due date I'd say castor oil but some say that induces labor so you shouldn't try it...yet at least. Wish I had something more to add!

Thanks for the comments on my blog. They mean a lot. I can't wait for 002 to arrive!

OneTiredEma said...

What do you mean? Everyone wants to talk about poop!

I guess you're not really in a position to take a hot bath, but I think it helps.

And I know it's not the same, but when I am post-C-section I always take metamucil to, um, get moving again.