The nausea has taken a turn for the worst over here, and last night I started actually throwing up. Gabe is sick with a cold, and he woke up at 2am crying for us. I made it down the stairs and into the kitchen to put together a cup of milk for him, and as I pulled the gallon of milk from the fridge, I realized that I was going to throw up right that instant. I had to scream for Josh from my huddled position on the bathroom floor, so he could take over with Gabe. It was pretty bad. Up until then, I've been crippled with a nausea that keeps me prone on the couch, but no actual throwing up. Not anymore, I guess.
I'm trying anything and everything, wrist bands, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, lemonade, chips, ice cubes, water with lemon (gag), juice, sports drinks, cereal, milk, popsicles, ice cream, but nothing works. Nothing. I guess I'd forgotten just how awful morning sickness is, not to mention that this time around just seems to be substantially more vicious than it was with Gabe. Sleeping is the only time when I'm not nauseous, so I find myself wanting to linger in bed for as long as possible every day.
The due date for 002 (get it? because it snuck in?) is December 19th, so the babes will be almost exactly 2 years apart. I may just end up with a Christmas baby this time around, since I was late with Gabe and I don't have high hopes for this one coming any earlier. First things first, though, I'm just trying to survive this first trimester and hoping the nausea will pass soon. I'm praying the nausea will pass soon, because I can barely take care of myself these days, much less Gabe too.
Thank goodness Gabe is especially cute these days. It makes it easier to keep smiling.
I'm just catching up on your news. Congratulations!
My first two kids are 23 months apart, and it worked out wonderfully. They are 19 and 21 now, and they are still so close ....
Congratulations! There are medications that they can prescribe for you now. One in particular helped me get through the day. Ask your doctor. Best of luck!
My sister is 22 months older than me, and it was almost always a blessing. ;-)
Gabe certainly is a cutie!
My daughter was born on December 20th! And she is the greatest gift I have ever gotten! However, she is now 31 and has asked me over and over why we had her in December? She gets ripped off with her birthday. I told her that it wasn't anything I had planned, but WOW what a great Christmas gift I got!
I am so sorry you are still so sick:( I wish I had some kind of remedy that worked! If it sticks around past week 12, you might want to think about medication. It must be so hard to take care of Gabe feeling like this.
Hope the nausea lets up soon!
I have 2 boys and a girl, in that order. My sickness with her was worse than with the boys.Maybe it's a girl!! Congrats!
Hello, I'm a new reader and just wanted to say hi. My son was born last December 20... he was due the 17th. Congratulations on your news! That sounds very exciting! :)
-Laura (
Congrats again! I'm sitting down now and I'm catching up on your blog until I have to leave to pick up Sean from Daycare.
Dec 19th is my sister's birthday. The 10th is my husbands. The 22nd is my mother's, the 23rd is my mother-in-laws. The 28th is Sean & Gabe's! Another December baby!
I think if I ever have another kid (to try for a girl - who am I kidding, it'll be a 3rd boy), I will try for an Oct baby. We have no Oct birthdays in my family, and too many December. And Mack shares June with me. (Isn't it cute? Mack shares June with me and Sean and my hubby share December with the rest of the family! LOL)
Sorry to hear about the nausea. I had nausea with Mack too, for the first 14 weeks or so, nothing with my pregnancy with Sean!
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