I've been contenting myself with thinking about Spring coming soon (please please soon), and days and nights in St. Croix. I'm so focused on that trip, though, that I am starting to worry about my mental health when I get back. You probably shouldn't focus on the end of your vacation before it actually starts, right?
Lots of my fellow associates have told me that one week is simply not enough. It often takes a full week for you to stop worrying about work or checking your Blackberry obsessively (mine is named Eye of Sauron, for those of you that know Lord of the Rings, his all-seeing eye watches me everywhere). The second week is pure pleasure, once your blood pressure has come down a bit.
Unfortunately, I've never had the nerve to take a two-week trip. Mainly because it makes me nervous, plus I'd have to leave the dogs with someone and two weeks is a long time. Also because, for some reason, the prospect of actually having potential vacation days is very important to me. If I ran out of days in October, I might have a little breakdown.
Sooo, I will focus on my activities in the 5 days that I have. Monday night will see me (hopefully) placing bets on crabs. You don't think the crabs mind, do you? This doesn't negate my love of animals, I hope.
Tuesday we have a snorkling trip planned to Buck Island. Let's hope my normally crushing motion sickness doesn't get me on the trip out there on a sailboat.
Wednesday or Thursday I'd like to take a tour of the island, and besides that, I expect to have A LOT of pina coladas. They are my most favoritest drink, you know?
Plus, even though Jo(e) says you can't plan it, I still "plan" on attempting my first ever skinny dipping expedition (shhhhhh!). I feel that with a cottage on the beach, I'm never going to get a better chance than this, right?
Tango says he doesn't care, as long as we bring his chew toys.

Have a great trip! It's awesome that you can bring the pooches. I bet they'll love it. Rocky and Jelly will be pampered at the grandparents' house while we're gone. We'll have to compare notes on our tropical vacations afterwards... we're gone from the 23rd-28th!
No, the crabs prefer the races to being eaten with butter. But they are tasty!
I do hope you have a wonderful time!
Have a wonderful trip!
Wait a minute... you get to take your DOGS on vacation with you?! I'm so jealous. I guess its easier with small dogs. When you have 160lbs of dog (my two combined) it makes things a little more complicated!
It's not that you can't plan it so much as that nobody ever does.
That trip sounds wonderful! Let me know how you like St. Croix -- I'm planning a Caribbean trip and am still trying to pick an island.
Awww, have a wonderful time. I know what you mean about the fear of using up vacation days, too . . . I think we've used up all DH's vacation time and sick time for the year already and it bothers me.
I never last very long on vacation. Usually after 2 or 3 days I am ready to come home. Even if I am having a blast.
Have a wonderful trip!
Hope you have a wonderful time! I'm sitting here in chilly England thinking about Pina Coladas and hoping that you're enjoying one right now...Enjoy!
I used to take Shubi with me when I went to visit my friends in Germany. They had Shubi's brother. We made 4 trips to Munich via the airlines. Me and my girl! A few people thought I was a nut for bringing Shubi along. But you should have seen the look on her happy little face when her soft sided bag came out! And she was always perfect on the plane!
I suggest not planning any minute more of your vacation but just enjoying it and doing whatever comes up! It's also really fun to lie on the beach all day with a good book, only getting up to refreshen your margarita! ;) You are going to have a fantastic time!!
And we can't wait to hear about the skinny dipping!
The trick to enjoying a tropical vacation is the concept of Equidistant Triangulation.
You must station yourself so that you are as close to the beach as you are to the pool as you are to the bar.
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Cruelty to animals refers to treatment or standards of care that causes unwarranted or unnecessary suffering or harm to animals.
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