Wednesday, July 14, 2010

you can never have too many injuries

Since we are nothing if not consistent, today at 11:30am, I received a call from Gabe's sports camp that he'd taken a tumble and could I please come get him ASAP.

I arrived to find his face bloody, his lips swollen and split, and his front teeth loose and bleeding.

Let's pause here to take a deep breath and recall that one of my number one phobias is for my children to bust up their teeth and end up with black teeth or no teeth or broken teeth. Big fat SIGH.

We headed in to an emergency trip to the dentist where they confirmed he didn't fracture any teeth or break any facial bones, but beyond that they can't help us. The dentist says the teeth will either be fine, or they may discolor, or they may fall out, or they may abscess and get infected and need to be removed. But they may be fine, but they may also be any one of those horrible things I just mentioned. We just don't know. Oh, and it could take months before any or all of those things happen. Have a nice day!

Anyone for margaritas at noon? On a Wednesday? As much as I wanted to bash my head against the wall, I kept my cool because Gabe was visibly nervous about another accident and the possibility of more trauma being done to him. We're on a soft foods diet for the next week, and in the meantime I've decided to pull him out of the sports camp even though I had ONE FREAKING WEEK OF FREEDOM but whatever, it's fine, I'm not bitter or anything. I'm too afraid of the very real possibility that he'll get hit in the mouth with a ball or fall again or whatever and it will further damage the teeth.

Honestly? I just feel defeated. Isn't this getting a bit ridiculous?


Anonymous said...

It really is. Honey! I'm so sorry. Kisses to you both. I'd so be showing up with a bottle of wine at your house if we lived nearby. Pobrecita! xo

@GeekWillow said...

Just think of all the karma points you've racked up here lately. Something REALLY good should be headed your way soon!

Stacy said...

This too will pass, seriously it will. All little ones go through a period where it seems like they are trying to kill themselves with crazy accidents. Its part of the toddler stage, some get it worse than others.
Hang in there! And have that Margarita!

Liz Miller said...

HUGS and more HUGS and yet more HUGS

Chatty Cricket said...

That's IT! Monogrammed helmets/face guards/full body hazmat suits coming your way!!

Knit and Purl Mama said...

Oh my! Hugs!

I'm just picturing Sean in a situation like that - since he's exactly the same age as Gabe. They're only 3 and a half, how could they be getting that injured? LOL. Sean is a clutz, don't get me wrong, and has collided at both daycare and at soccer on the weekends with other kids... but so far, knock on wood, we haven't had any injuries like you guys have been facing.

I hope this is the end of the injuries for you guys. Poor guy!

Anonymous said...

My son had the exact same injury -- with one of the front teeth actually sticking straight out before it fell back down. In the end, the teeth "tightened" and one is maybe very slightly discolored, but you'd really have to pry his mouth open and inspect to even notice it. And, as the dentist reminded me, it's only the baby teeth -- they fall out eventually anyway! But poor Gabe, the little guy has been having way more than his fair share of trauma..and so have you. Hope things turn around soon.

Downsized Attorney said...

I've been lurking on your blog for a long time now and I just have to say you really are having the worst luck lately. I really hope things start turning around for you. If not, you have the beginnings of a really great memoir.

Meika said...

Oh, no! You certain do deserve a mid-day margarita.

heddie said...

This was also one of my top fears, and it happened to my 3-year-old, too! I'm writing because I wish someone could have given me the reassurance I'm about to give you. My child hit his lip and tooth on the corner of a coffee table. He had to have a stitch in his lip, and we had to suffer the horrible wait to see what would happen to his tooth. Well, after about 5 days, the tooth turned a horrible purple/dark gray color. I was ready to pay for veneers -- on a baby tooth! But then guess what -- after 2-3 weeks, it went completely back to normal. I couldn't believe it, and if Gabe's gets any discoloration at all, I'm sure it will return to normal quickly. Just hold off a few weeks on the photos!